What if we could help you get UNSTUCK, stop the self-sabotage and break free from what's been holding you back and preventing you from experiencing the results you want to have?

Would it change your life? If YES, then...

Sound familiar?

You want to move forward, be it in your life or relationship but feel stagnant.

You've been struggling with the same feelings of frustration, uncertainty, confusion and anxiety over and over again. You feel overwhelmed.

You find yourself holding onto negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and habits that are discouraging, self-defeating or often judgmental.

You've tried in so many ways to accomplish your goals with little to no success.

What you want is nowhere in sight.

You know where you want to be in your life but haven't been able to figure out how to get there on your own.

You want to take your life to the next level but fall short with your attempts to experience more.

Tired of the band-aid solutions that don't deal with the real cause of what's been keeping you stuck.

You've come to the place where you've had enough and need things to change.

Does any of these resonate with you?

Working together through our Unstuck to Unstoppable coaching program, we'll provide you with the support and accountability you need to make empowering shifts to get unstuck and become unstoppable without the self-sabotage!

The feeling of being stuck can be an extremely painful and uncomfortable experience. But experiencing stuckness isn't the real issue, remaining there is.


You may have been struggling to get unstuck for some time but what if a simple shift can begin to change things drastically for you?

One of the greatest challenges to us moving forward in our lives can be ourselves.

It's in learning how to get out of our own way and stop self-sabotaging that enables us to move forward and have what we want.

When you're willing to do what's necessary, you position yourself to experience the transformation you need.

A mindset shift is an important aspect of the transformation process. Without it, we can easily fall back into old patterns and habits that are self-sabotaging.

Your mindset impacts how you see yourself, your situation, relationships and the possibilities available to you.

We believe that lasting change is not an overnight process but a journey paved with strategic steps leading to a specific destination.

In appreciating where you've been and understanding where you are, we focus on where you want to be in your life and help you get there.

We help you build strength through vulnerability, tap into the power of your mind, strengthen your resilience to get unstuck and free yourself from what's been holding you back so you can become unstoppable without the self-sabotage!

The Unstuck to Unstoppable Coaching Program is designed to support you step by step through your journey, so you experience the transformation you’ve been truly longing for.



Prior to my sessions with Denise I had gone through a painful break up...

"I came out of a 7 year relationship that I was confident would end in marriage which left me with a lot of shock, self-doubt, sadness, confusion, and brokenness.

While in this process, I discovered Denise and her team on social media and started following. I gained hope and inspiration from their content and shortly thereafter began my coaching sessions with Denise. I hoped to gain guidance and assurance that I was exactly where I was supposed to be and that things would get better. I definitely gained that and more!

This has made such a difference in my life, the way I see myself, the way I see others, and the way I see situations. I understand now that there’s truly a purpose for any pain that I go through. There’s a purpose for the relationship I had, purpose in the confusion and insecurity I was experiencing, and this purpose serves a greater plan than I could ever imagine.

What surprised me the most about my sessions with Denise was the tremendous growth I’ve gone through in this short time. 

I look back to the woman I was when I started those coaching sessions and I don’t recognize her. I am so different in the way that I carry myself. I’m no longer broken, insecure, doubting, or confused. In fact, I’m thankful for the break up, thankful for the brokenness I went through because it plays a part of the greatest love story I have yet to experience.

I’m so thankful for Denise’s life. She has so much wisdom, grace, and such a kind heart. I felt so comfortable to share anything and everything with her. She saw all my broken pieces and helped me sort through all I was feeling and going through. My brokenness is not something I wish didn’t happen, because I know it’s a masterpiece in the making.

I highly recommend these services for anyone that is even slightly considering coaching.

I was so fortunate to stumble upon them during my difficult season earlier this year, but even if you need coaching in other areas of your life, in your long term goals, big or small, they would benefit anyone! Eternally grateful for what Denise and her team have done for me."

—Brenna H.



One of my biggest struggles...

"Before my coaching sessions, I was going through a period of different changes in my life. I was trying to figure out what I wanted for my future and how to put my life together. At the time, one of my biggest struggles was deciding whether I needed to embark on a new career path and exactly at that point, I met Jennifer. 

Although, I heard about life coaches before, I couldn’t find someone who really focused on what I needed which was Career Coaching.

Since the very beginning of our sessions, I felt very comfortable talking to Jennifer. She carefully listen to what I was going through and understood what I really needed not just what I wanted.

I not only felt understood but supported, motivated and empowered...

with everything Jennifer and I talked about. She is really a great coach and I just really had a good time talking to her.

Our sessions helped me to focus on my strengths and realize my values and skills. They opened a new world of possibilities to me and helped me create a career path that I want to follow through with for my future.

What really surprised me was that everything we had been working on and discussing, everything I was looking for, started to happen for me! Things started falling in place and opportunities came knocking at my door. 

I really encourage everyone to keep an open mind and consider coaching.

Seek the help that you need to put your life together in any area that you need. Focus on, work at and fight for your dreams and the desires of your heart. But most of all enjoy the process.

—Aileen A.



With many years of experience in working with women across North America to help them get unstuck, put an end to self-sabotage, create more freedom for themselves and build healthier stronger relationships, we want to help you elevate from your current state to becoming better and feeling happier.

Our UnStuck to Unstoppable Coaching Program is custom designed to help you make empowering shifts that will get you unstuck and free from what's been holding you back so you can become unstoppable. It focuses on maximizing your emotional + mental health and utilizing it as an opportunity to put your personal growth and well-being first.

Denise Chand, CLC

Unstuck Expert
Certified Cognitive Behavioural

Jennifer John, CLC

Unstuck Expert
Certified Cognitive Behavioural